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Boost your visibility with book pages and illustrator galleries

Are you an author searching for the perfect illustrator, or an artist looking to showcase your work? You're in for a treat!

Woman happily chatting on laptop

Roberts Baltins

May 13, 2024

3 minutes to read


Hey there, creative souls!

Are you an author searching for the perfect illustrator, or an artist looking to showcase your work? You're in for a treat! Today, I'm excited to walk you through three game-changing features we've cooked up at BookBlinks:

  1. Book Pages: Your Book's Digital Spotlight

  2. Illustrator Galleries: A Visual Feast of Artistic Talent

  3. Alphabet Listings: Your Gateway to Discoverability

Boosting creator visibility: the Book Blinks way

After launching our website builder, we brainstormed ways to amplify your online presence. Our SEO wizard suggested a brilliant idea: Alphabet listings for all Book Blinks members. Let's dive in!

Alphabet listings: your new discovery tool

We're creating a searchable database of all our creators - authors, illustrators, designers, photographers, and translators. It's a default feature, but if you prefer to stay off the list, no problem! We respect your privacy. This comprehensive database is your ticket to finding potential collaborators. Exciting, right?

Crafting the Perfect Book Page

When setting up your Book Page, you'll choose:

  • Book category (Picture Books, Young Adult, etc.)

  • Genre (Fiction, Humor, Mystery, and more)

These details make your book easily discoverable to potential readers and collaborators.

Illustrator gallery: showcase your artistic flair

Calling all illustrators! Here's your chance to shine. Add your artwork to books or showcase independent pieces. We'll ask for key details to make your work searchable:

  • Art style (e.g., realistic)

  • Medium (e.g., colored pencil)

  • Book format (e.g., young adult fiction)

This detailed categorization helps match you with the perfect projects and clients.

Our vision: amplifying your creative voice

By combining Book pages, Galleries, and Alphabet listings, we're aiming to skyrocket your visibility in the creative community.

Stay tuned for our next update, where we'll dive into our Website analytics to see how these features are performing.

Your Feedback Shapes Our Future

We value your input tremendously! Please share your thoughts at Your feedback is the compass guiding our journey to serve you better.

Robert Founder, BookBlinks